Why We Should Make Time For Ourselves

Note Aloud
3 min readMay 17, 2023
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Every now and again I have to regroup. I back myself into a corner. I say Yes to too many things, over plan, over schedule. I’ve done it before. I should know the signs by now.

I missed a day at #66write yesterday. I started with a cold/flu lurgy, came home from work at lunchtime and went straight to bed. So, technically, I’ve failed and should start again. But, I’m letting myself off the hook. Missing one day is OK but don’t miss two — I think that’s the principle of streaks.

I’ve always had a protestant work ethic, drummed into me from my early school days. Work first, pleasure second. It’s stuck with me for a lifetime.

When I started work, I applied the same principles. Every job I’ve had has followed the same pattern. Overkill. Overwork. Overdoing it. I go all in, I put my heart and soul into it. Until there’s nothing left in the well.

It’s a tough habit to lose.

But, when I finally hit the wall, I know I need to make changes. They usually look something like this …

Work/life balance



Note Aloud

Writing about tech, note taking, PKM, rural living, hens, small holding, sheep, cows, and a gentler pace. nicolafisher.com