Sometimes When Everything Changes, It Really Just Stays The Same!

Note Aloud
2 min readJun 11, 2023

Is your life like this … you seem to go from project to project, always coming up with new ideas, and feeling as if you’re constantly starting over?

For almost two decades I’ve dabbled in a number of areas. All interlinked — but I could only see this in hindsight. Every so often, I’ve hit a brick wall and had to flatten everything, raze it to the ground, and walk away. Later, I might return and start over.

This has happened time and time again.

I’ve built more websites than I can remember. I bought domain names like some women are said to buy shoes.

I believed I was flaky, a failure. I started new projects only for them to crash and burn.

If you’ve done this, I have great news.

  1. You’re not alone and, like the phoenix, something new will rise from the ashes of your old ideas.
  2. Nothing is wasted. All those ideas need time to reboot. They require more percolation. Like mushrooms, ideas have to languish in a dark cupboard for a while.
  3. The clues are often there. You might just need help joining the dots. I often write about seemingly disparate topics. Tech and the simple life. Not long ago, I created a new Medium publication. Simply Life sits alongside Talking



Note Aloud

Writing about tech, note taking, PKM, rural living, hens, small holding, sheep, cows, and a gentler pace.