Hi, I'm Nicola. I live in Derbyshire, UK with my husband and his Guide Dog, Bamber. We moved here in 2020, the fulfilment of one of my big dreams. We slotted straight in to the rural community, much to my deep joy. I love cows and I get to spend time with them on friends' farms.

I love tech too. I try to demystify what can often seem complicated.

In 2021, I discovered Obsidian, PKM, Second Brain and note taking. It changed everything.

Alongside that, and for almost a couple of decades, I've contemplated how we are connected, the benefits of living a simple life and oneness.

I wanted to write about tech and life in a way that made sense.

But how could I join together the seemingly disparate topics of tech and life? Simply by making connections.

Note Aloud is where all these ideas intersect.

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Note Aloud

Note Aloud

Writing about tech, note taking, PKM, rural living, hens, small holding, sheep, cows, and a gentler pace. nicolafisher.com